How data appending companies are set to gain from the Covid-19 pandemic?
Let us face it; the world is facing a tough time amid the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, and so are the businesses around the world. Every business is feeling the covid impact and is struggling to stay afloat. While the lockdown has brought the market to...
Why is skip tracing the Key to Preventing Frauds?
Most businesses operate on trust with debts and credits being an integral part of their functioning. However, this also exposes you to the risk of fraud that can leave you in great financial devastation. Many businesses have even gone insolvent because of bad...
What makes WordPress the best CMS for SEO?
Since its advent in the year 2003, WordPress has emerged as the topmost as the popular choice for the CMS. Several businesses are using it as a blog platform too. The WordPress 5.3 had more than 8 lakh download and now powers more than thirty-four per cent of...
The 2020 Coronavirus Effect and your Marketing Strategy: Is your business ready for what comes next?
From sensitization to sanitization: Let us all buckle up! Coronavirus is not how we wanted to walk into 2020. A virus has brought the supposedly the most evolved and entitled species to its knees. And the world has just crumbled like a cookie, and the...
Now Save Time and Money with This New Way- Skip tracing for Banking and Finance!
The concept of skip tracing comes from an age-old phenomenon of finding something new or finding something which was lost. Human beings have an inherent desire of exploring unknown and unraveling it. Therefore, skip tracing is a term which we have formulated to...
The Comprehensive Guide to Outsourcing Data verification services: How to Make Better Outsourcing Partners
Businesses love data. So much that they love to acquire every bit of it, rarely realizing that they don’t have the efficiency and infrastructure to keep it intact. Leave aside using big data with predictive analysis for smart decision making; they don’t know...
10 Things Google Loves to See on Every Website! Does your Website have them?
What does Google love? How to get Google to love you? If your love towards Google has been one-sided until now, here are ten things that might ‘nudge’ the search engine to take notice of you! Most people only click the first three results on a search page. If...
How Can Businesses Best Leverage Data scrubbing?
The hype around data is hardly news. It is a critical part of a business and rightly so. It is the ultimate competitive differentiator and referred to as the new oil of the world that of course, can’t be used raw and needs to undergo various processes of...
Boost ‘Inside Sales’ Success: Upgrade Your Contact list with Email appending and CRM
B2B sales have evolved. While the traditional means of sales such as cold calling still hold its ground, it is the data solutions such as e-mail appending and marketing that are catching the fancy of decision-makers. A sales team thrives on productivity and...
A Business’ Sure Shot Guide to New Year Resolution: How to use ‘skip tracing’ to grow your business in 2020!
The concept of skip tracing seems to be lifted straight off a Hollywood movie. A skip tracer is a professional bounty hunter or a detective who works to connect the broken links and give you the whereabouts of the person you are looking for and has skipped the...