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5 Ways to Increase sales After the Corona Holidays

5 Ways to Increase sales After the Corona Holidays

  As the end of corona holidays are near, the world rejoices as life returns to its normal route. People are also filled with apprehension. With some countries like South Korea, Taiwan, Georgia, etc have managed to contain the outbreak of COVID 19, other...

How to pivot your content plan in a rush

How to pivot your content plan in a rush

  Change is inevitable” and resilience to change is human nature.   What customer sees in the content of our website is a reflection of our vision and commitment to realize that vision. We always plan the next business strategy, product line-up, and...

B2B Lead Generation: A Complete Guide

B2B Lead Generation: A Complete Guide

  For the success of any organization, it is necessary to have a constant flow of new prospects and leads. However, it takes effort, time, and investment on the part of any B2B company if they want to attract the right kind of leads. Converting your leads to...

‘Catch & Release: How it is not a Closing Strategy?

‘Catch & Release: How it is not a Closing Strategy?

  B2B sales is a lot like fishing. Often glorified as hunters, salespeople have their inside jokes and conversation to describe their situation of finding out a needle in the haystack. From “There is plenty of fish in the sea” to “Use the right bait” and “Catch...

LinkedIn: The latest Social Media Super-hero to B2B Businesses

LinkedIn: The latest Social Media Super-hero to B2B Businesses

  Your business is as effective as your marketing strategy. We live in an era where businesses that are able to showcase themselves are thriving. Monopoly and oligopoly are increasingly becoming extinct phenomena. Every business is under cut-throat competition...

How B2B sales have evolved in the past 10 years

How B2B sales have evolved in the past 10 years

  Like every other thing, the Internet has also drastically changed the way B2B businesses sell to each other. Change is fuelled by the infusion of technology and digital media at every step. The customers are more informed and educated than they had ever been...

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