Businesses love data. So much that they love to acquire every bit of it, rarely realizing that they don’t have the efficiency and infrastructure to keep it intact. Leave aside using big data with predictive analysis for smart decision making; they don’t know...
The concept of skip tracing seems to be lifted straight off a Hollywood movie. A skip tracer is a professional bounty hunter or a detective who works to connect the broken links and give you the whereabouts of the person you are looking for and has skipped the...
Data is the ultimate leveller. Be it a startup, a corporate group or a freelancer – everybody loves to have data that can drive them to a decision, help them gain competitive advantage and get strategic insights. Businesses also have access to similar stacks of...
Working on B2B sales is a herculean task. You aren’t catering to a customer. Instead, you are addressing the need for a complex, multi-tiered organization. Let’s forget about closing the deal. We are talking about generating leads for a business through a...
5-Ways B-2-B Data Appending Can Help You Expand Market Reach and Results We are living in a data-driven economy where data is the most important facet of decision making and eventually, a business’s net worth. While every organisation boasts of being...