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In the word of Steve Ferrate “If you want to sell more than you better know why consumer buys”. Thousands of potential buyers visit business websites daily but the conversion rate from visitor to client is comparatively less. Online businesses are flooding millions of dollars for b2b lead generations.


physcological trigger and influence


Digital marketing can bring a potential customer to your doorsteps but whether they enter into your home to buy is uncertain. Catching the curiosity of a buyer is one thing but living up to his expectation is another. An eye-catching poster of or an interesting trailer can draw people to the theatre but if the movie is tiresome they will leave it in the middle.


consumer behaviour


The same is applicable on b2b websites. 


People’s decisions are usually based on rationality but if you appeal to the human psyche i.e. the subconscious and the emotions, decision-making can be influenced. The subconscious mind is a thousand times more powerful than the conscious mind. 61 % b2b marketer believes generating convertible quality leads is challenging. It requires an understanding of consumer psychology that influences the conversion of lead to sales. 


Data mining services, data verification, data scrubbing, data appending services, skip tracing services, address search can keep you updated with the latest consumer demand, treading searches, and provide customer insights but how to sell to those potential customers depends on your comprehension of the human psyche. People’s emotions and behavior can be manipulated easily than their logical minds. Companies fund researches related to consumer psychology so that they can implement that in marketing strategy.  Assimilation of psychology in your marketing strategy can convert already interested visitors to buyers. The entire digital marketing dimensions should reaffirm those triggers on each step. Your logos, taglines, vision, social media handles to even website icons should convey a unified message that you want to project. 


The best example of this is Apple Company. It is marketed to appeal to the exclusivity that we all crave. We desire to possess unique things. “There are phones and there is iPhone”, that exclusivity is underlined in their marketing style, from television ads to the patented glass staircase in their stores. For that exclusivity, people are willing to stand in long queues before dawn and pay a much higher price than one normally would spend on cell phones. So what can your b2b do to push those hot buttons for lead conversion?


We got you


The purchase of a product is a journey that a business requires to take the customer through with gentle pushes on every milestone. This journey is the base for lead nurturing. Lead nurturing means building relationships with potential buyers. Nurtured leads are 47% more likely to convert than non nurtured leads. This requires a clear understating of customer wants and the confidence that our product and service will fulfill those wants. The basic human nature is to satisfy desires with the least effort. The gratification of desire gets dopamine flowing in our bloodstreams. When someone understands our needs we feel validated. Like for instance fairness creams are highly in demand in India. Without getting into the moral debate whether it is right or wrong, we can say they appeal to the human psyche to feel validated. In Indian society where fairness is one of the beauty standards,  it provides is a solution to the problem which dusky skin people feel.


A clear understanding of what your product or service is and what it isn’t is essential. Which needs can be validated by it, which could be left to up to customer imagination.


lead nurturing funnel


The projection should be such that we empathize with consumers everyday struggles and are providing solutions for them. We are taking a customer from A to Z point where they want to reach, through our product. Like Mattress Company Casper list all the problem customer face during sleeping, the importance of good sleep, and how their product can make their life easier.


Also Read: B2B Engagement Strategy and How You Can Make It Work for You


Have you seen this before?



Everyone is searching for a new experience, a new taste, a new idea, and a new product. This inquisitiveness of finding novelty leads humans to explore new land, discover new routes and continents. When there is no novelty, there is no curiosity. It interests the customer to know what you have is that is different from others. Therefore, our marketing strategy should be as such that what we are offering is no one else is offering. It is novel, exclusive, and rare. The novelty pique curiosity of the customer. Novelty does not always be of the product but also the presentation, marketing, packaging, and overall approach.


Apple’s unique approach in launching products fills consumers with curiosity and anticipation. To implement novel ideas take courage. With already booming social sites, Snapchat has offered a novel idea of deletion of the image after a few seconds thus appealing to concerns about privacy and data stealing. Tesla company manufacture and sell the electric car when no one was taking that seriously. Netflix has replaced television for the audience by providing world-class movies and shows.


Also Read: B2B Marketing Trends: The 7 Biggest Opportunities for Marketers 


Get it before its gone


The millennial term this as FOMO that is fear of missing out. The human nature to readily purchase something scarce and limited is nothing new.  The consumer is more afraid of loss than motivated by gain. When the availability of that product in the market is in question, the awakening of curiosity and to purchase it as soon as possible drives people. Limited time offer, exclusive offer for a limited time, discount offers, and only a few pieces are left are all marketing gimmicks that are used from the time since trade and commerce were perceived. Scarcity created an artificial demand in the market through which genuine requirement of the product is sidelined and people hurry to possess a scarce resource.


Online e-commerce websites such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc have exclusive pages for deals of the day, big billion sales, etc where stocks for products are limited and people have to hurry. The Black Friday sale in Wal-Mart causes a death rush. The trigger of scarcity is a powerful trigger. Cars company launching limited edition car sales like hotcakes. Scarcity also appalls to our psyche to possess rare things which no one else has. People are also fearful that because of their indecisiveness they will lose once-a-lifetime offers thus they decide in haste. Lead conversion through this is quite high as this appeals to the fear of customers and fear triumphs logic most of the time.


Your part of our FAM


Human is social animal. Being in a community or a society is what we are naturally inclined to. This develops a feeling of kinship and belonging. Businesses can use this to attach people to their brand image. The kinship also develops the more important quality of loyalty. We used to go to the store which we are familiar with. Visits to the doctor know to our family for years. When the brand becomes the community where the customer feels belong, lead conversion is child’s play. The email appending services and email verification, email data validation will engage the customer with our digital FAM. Sending an email is a gentle reminder that they are part of our larger community. Asking for their opinion on the product through a survey on email can have a positive impact.


Also Read: Boost ‘Inside Sales’ Success: Upgrade Your Contact list with Email appending and CRM


Dove ads with women from all walks of life narrating their problem and their journey to overcome those skin problems. This creates a sense of kinship to those women struggling with similar skin problems. YouTubers use this with their followers by naming them a unique name related to their persona or their channel thus creating a community where their followers can unify, discuss and participate in YouTube meet programs. The fan base of swifties and beliebers is quite famous. This kinship is also created by making community discussion forums on sites as Amazon has. When the client feels connected to your business image, the inclination to purchase your other products is high. They give free marketing for your brand by discussing your product. Consumers are more likely to trust other consumers than a business. The newspapers have readers meets program, your suggestion column to improve the content of the newspaper thus making the reader feel connected and heard.


You are important to us.


When a potential client visits your site he should feel important. The site navigation, live chat tools, and swift replies to his queries regarding the product make him feel heard. He should feel that you are not taking him for granted. He as a customer must be respected. The guidelines for customer protection should be wilfully followed. Clarity of product description, logistic policy, returns policy, and grievance redressal mechanism adds to the appeal. We all want a forum where we feel respected and welcomed as a customer. Customer basic intelligence should not be undermined and made feel fool. Customer reviews and open comment sections authenticate the business site. This makes them feel that their views and opinions are valued. The famous tagline of a dish soap company “first use then trust” builds trust with the consumer.


The taste of pudding lies in its eating. The effective implementation of these triggers will determine your lead conversion success.




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